Thanks fore your story, this show how difrent things can bee, i hav 5 kidds, and have always try to bee kind to them, never hitt them ore something like this, but i have now bigg problems widh two of my boys, who dont want to folow any ruels, and are more and less anarcists,drudliberals, this have made mee very sad, and i wonder why they bee like this, i have always lernd them to show respeckt and compasion,but this is anything who is far from them now, egoism is more the way. so as you see as a father i have been living and always try to help my boys, foor what,you say you love you fadher despite all bad thing he made to you, my boys ackt almost opposite, showing no gratitude at all, despite all help and love they have from ther father and mother.
I think the most important thing is ther one personalytie,you can never change that, even how nice and kind you are.